At Carl's request there will be no visitation or funeral. Cremation has taken place. The Family will be remembering him privately.
Obituary of Carl John Slauenwhite
Today another angel went home….. He was my rock, the love of my life
He touched all who knew him…. His generousity was for one and all and
Those who knew him could not help but love him…
They say to say something about him his birth was Nov. 17th 1958 but to me
I feel he lived a thousand lives for he knew the meaning of forgiving the meaning
Of taking each day and holding each moment so that it would last a lifetime….
Every moment is percious not to be wasted with fighting or blaming or whoa is me
Live like there is no tomorrow for what you have in front of you isn’t worth a dime
Without loved ones and friends…..
I wish he could have stayed with me forever, but I know he is with me in my heart and
In my soul…. And I know he would say to one and all love is all that matters in the end….